number |
title |
description |
SYS-001 |
Intro to Outlook |
Overview of the general features of Microsoft Outlook. |
SYS-001-b |
Intermediate Outlook |
This course discusses additional features of MS Outlook and its integration in the work environment. |
SYS-002 |
Internet Explorer |
Genearal principles of Internet browsing and overview of BCBSM intranet. |
SYS-003 |
Introduction to the ASPECT telephone system. |
SYS-004 |
Health A to Z |
This module presents the unique features of HealthAtoZ, a Web site used by BCBSM nurses and members as a resource for health content. |
SYS-005 |
Healthwise Connect |
This module explains how to triage symptoms and provide health information utilizing the Healthwise Connect application. |
SYS-006 |
Subimo |
Introduction to Subimo, a comprehensive online tool that provides members easy access to detailed and reliable medical information to confidently manage their health in a single place. |
number |
title |
description |
LWR-001 |
Introduction to HIPAA, the federal law that gives members the right to make specific requests related to the handling of the protected health information (PHI). This course aslo covers BCBSM's policies regarding privacy and confidentiality of medical records. |
LWR-002 |
This course presents the steps that are necessary to achieve full URAC accreditation; the preparation process for URAC re-accreditation; and the core standards required for compliance. |
LWR-003 |
Legal Aspects of Documentation |
This CBT module addresses the importance of accurate documentation, its legal implications, and the documentation responsibility of the RN Health Coach. |
LWR-004 |
Case Management Ethics |
In this CBT module you will learn the ethical framework for case management. |
LWR-005 |
Federal and State Regulatory Requirements |
Divisional Policies regarding compliance with regulatory requirements |
number |
title |
description |
SKL-001 |
Key Communications Techniques |
This manual discusses telephone techniques to help you become more professional when you are on the telephone with customers and clients. |
SKL-002 |
Motivational Interviewing |
SKL-003 |
Problem Solving |
Overview of the following basic skills needed for problem solving: defining the problem, identifying causes, identifying and reviewing solutions, selecting a solution, taking action, monitoring the action plan, and assessing the outcomes. |
SKL-004 |
Conflict Resolution |
This CBT module focuses on resolving conflict by using a positive approach in handling disputes or conflicts. It provides guidance for having a winning conversation and offers tools to resolve conflicts successfully. |
SKL-005 |
Change Management |
This CBT module provides an overview of Change Management by identifying the formula for change and the types of resistance to change. |
SKL-006 |
Time Management |
CBT module: Introduction to time management tools and organizational skills that will assist you in being more effective in your job. |