DCE - Updates, issues and resolutions
The next release of the CCM Admin Module, scheduled for May 30, will impact DCE. The following is a list of items included in the release with the respective resolution.
- Blank Group Name
- Issue: Some group names are either not coming over or are coming over blank. When this happens, the group name field is blank. Once the user selects a member with a blank group name, an Invalid Use of Null error is generated. No eligibility snapshot can be created/saved for this case.
- Resolution: Users will no longer receive an error when they select a member on a contract that shows a blank for the group name. Snapshots can be created and saved in the case. The actual issue of receiving blank group names through DCE will not be fixed with this resolution. Discussions between IS and Common Services are forthcoming to resolve that issue
- Available Interim System Process: The DCE can still be initialized to view the data. However, if the group name is blank, the user should not select that member. It would be up to the business to decide if and how the eligibility information should be saved in the case (i.e. copy and paste eligibility information from 3270) until resolution is received.
- Blank Risk Cell
- Issue: Due to a system issue with the HCMS Eligibility table, risk cells became blank. When the user selects a member on a contract that has one of these blank risk cells, an Invalid Use of Null error is generated. No eligibility snapshot can be created/saved for this case.
- Resolution: Users will no longer receive an error message when they select a member on a contract that shows a blank for the risk cell. Snapshots can be created and saved in the case. The actual issue of receiving blank risk cells through DCE will not be fixed with this resolution. The underlying problem has been addressed and expectations of blank risk cells are minimum.
- Available Interim System Process: The DCE can still be initialized to view the data. However, if the risk cell is blank, the user should not select a member on that contract. Send an e-mail to me with the member’s name, contract number, and case number. IS can fix the issue for that risk cell.
- Same state
- Issue: Once a user enters a referral by initializing DCE both the subscriber’s and member’s state looks correct. Once the user exits that referral both states will populate the same state as the previous referral. For example, if referral A has the state of Michigan and referral B has the state of Florida; referral B looks fine upon loading. But, once referral B is exited then reopened the states will be changed to Michigan. This issue isn’t seen often because there is a high percentage of cases loaded back to back with the same state. It is obvious only when the states differ from referral to referral.
- Resolution: Users will be able to load referrals using DCE and the correct state will appear in the case upon loading and any viewing of the referral thereafter.
- Available Interim System Process: Upon loading the referral and after DCE has populated both the subscriber’s and member’s state, the user must click in both state fields if those states differ from the previous referral. IS is running a backend check each week to identify newly entered referrals with incorrect states and updating the data accordingly.
- Chrysler Group Numbers
- Issue: Chrysler group numbers coming over through DCE will appear in the case as it does in NASCO. Most if not all of the group numbers in this form are not loaded into the Admin because the converted form is what the business uses. When the user selects a member on a contract that has one of the non-converted/loaded groups they will receive an error message.
- Resolution: Chrysler group numbers coming over through DCE will still appear on the snapshot as it does in NASCO. The group number will be changed to its converted form when DCE data is populated into the case.
- Available Interim System Process: Upon loading the referral after DCE has populated the group number in the case, the user will need to change the group number to its converted form.