The three closest women in my life (in order of appearance) are my mom, my wife and my daughter. And I love them with all my heart. I also feel great love and respect for my female relatives and friends. Because of that, I can tell you that the World’s Toughest Job viral video is the stupidest advertising campaign I’ve seen, so far.


A new report from the Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC) concludes that the United States’s prison system has fully returned to the 18th-century. Roughly 356,268 individuals with severe mental illnesses are kept in prisons and jails rather than in mental hospitals. The US “correction” system is a disgrace.


El autismo es solo una de tantas condiciones que interfieren con el desarrollo y la calidad de vida de millones de seres humanos. Es fundamental educarnos todos, no solo para aceptar y respetar la naturaleza diferente de cada persona, sino para mejorar significativamente la calidad de vida de las personas con necesidades especiales y sus familias.


A climate change report published today by the United Nations warns that the impacts of global warming are likely to be “severe, pervasive and irreversible”. Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change. Ignorance is no longer a good excuse. Denial of the science is malpractice.


La noticia de que el ídolo e icono de Puerto Rico, Carlitos Colón, será incluido en el salón de la fama de la lucha libre me produce una alegría muy especial.

De niño fui gran fanático de la lucha libre. En múltiples ocasiones presencié carteleras “en vivo” en varios pueblos de la Isla. En la casa de mi abuelo (Papá Carmelo) a las 12:00 del mediodía de cada sábado todo se detenía; era un momento más sagrado y solemne que la Misa dominical.