La manipulación de evidencia es una de las manchas más horrendas en nuestro sistema de justicia. El número de convicciones “erróneas” producto de este fenómeno sigue creciendo.

Desde su creación en 1989, el Registro Nacional de Exoneraciones de la Universidad de Michigan ha documentado 1586 convicciones erróneas.


Children as young as 13 years old have been tried as adults and sentenced to die in prison, typically without any consideration of their age or circumstances of the offense. Many young children in America are imperiled by abuse, neglect, domestic and community violence, and poverty. Without effective intervention and help, these children suffer, struggle, and fall into despair and hopelessness.


La agente literaria del recién fallecido Gabriel García Márquez, Carmen Barcells, proclamó que tras la muerte del autor surgirá una nueva religión que se conocerá como el “gabismo”. En mi ya encontró un nuevo feligrés.


A climate change report published today by the United Nations warns that the impacts of global warming are likely to be “severe, pervasive and irreversible”. Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change. Ignorance is no longer a good excuse. Denial of the science is malpractice.


What’s gone wrong with democracy? Democracy is going through a difficult time. Between 1980 and 2000 democracy experienced a few setbacks, but since 2000 there have been many. Where autocrats have been driven out of office, their opponents have mostly failed to create viable democratic regimes. Even in established democracies, flaws in the system have become worryingly visible and disillusion with politics is rife.